Endless Space Wiki


As opposed to FIDS, Strategic Resources are not consumed. Strategic Resources are found on Planets in quantities of 1-3. You can access the Strategic Resources by having the corresponding Technology and colonizing the planet. Strategic Resources also boost the FIDS output of the planet depending on the resource. Unless the System is blockaded, the Strategic Resource (but not its planet effects) is shared with the rest of the Empire.

Some ship classes and modules, and some Improvements, require a particular Strategic Resource to be built.


There is only a limited number of each strategic resource in a galaxy, depending on the size of the galaxy and the galaxy resource setting:

Galaxy Size Number of each Resource
Low Normal High
Tiny 3 6 9
Small 6 12 18
Medium 9 18 27
Large 12 24 36
Huge 15 30 45

Empire effects[]

Strategic resources decrease the 1002industrySmall cost of ship modules that require them by 10% per number owned, up to 4. If you have 4 of a strategic resource, you have a resource abundance, which reduces ship module costs by an additional 20%.

Quantity 1002industrySmall Cost Modifier
1 -10%
2 -20%
3 -30%
4+ -60%

These bonuses stack multiplicatively with other modifiers to module cost.

List of resources[]

Strategic resource Technology to unlock Planet Bonus
1002industrySmall 1003scienceSmall
7807StrategicResourceAdamantium Adamantian Quantum Substrates +2 +1
7803StrategicResourceAnti-Matter Anti-Matter High-Energy Magnetics +2
7804StrategicResourceHexaferrum Hexaferrum Extreme Metallurgy +2
7801StrategicResourceHyperium Hyperium Core Mining +1
7805StrategicResourceOrichalcedon Orichalcix Atomic Substrates +1 +1
7808StrategicResourceQuadrinite Quadrinix Black Hole Mining +2 +2
7806StrategicResourceSiderite Siderite Inorganic Biology +1 +2
7802StrategicResourceTitanium Titanium-70 N-Way Fusion Plants +1

Basic Resources (FIDS) Food Food - Industry Industry - Dust Dust - Science Science
Strategic Resources Hyperium 7801StrategicResourceHyperium - Titanium-70 7802StrategicResourceTitanium - Anti-Matter 7803StrategicResourceAnti-Matter - Hexaferrum 7804StrategicResourceHexaferrum - Orichalcix 7805StrategicResourceOrichalcedon - Siderite 7806StrategicResourceSiderite - Adamantian 7807StrategicResourceAdamantium - Quadrinix 7808StrategicResourceQuadrinite
Luxury Resources

Vegetables: Redsang 7901LuxuryResourceRedSang - Bluecap Mold 7902LuxuryResourceBluecapMold - Dustwater 7903LuxuryResourceDustwater - Hydromiel 7904LuxuryResourceFruitsofFire
Gems: Mercurite 7905LuxuryResourceMercurite - Void Stone 7906LuxuryResourceVoidStone - Jadonyx 7907LuxuryResourceJadonyx - Ionic Crystals 7908LuxuryResourceIonicCrystals
Drugs: Eden Incense 7909LuxuryResourceEdenIncense - Meta-Entactogen 7910LuxuryResourceMetaEntactogen - Transvine 7911LuxuryResourceTransvine - Proto-Orchid 7912LuxuryResourceProtoOrchid
Artifacts: Concrete Artifacts 7913LuxuryResourceConcreteArtifacts - Virtual Artifacts 7914LuxuryResourceVirtualArtifacts - Pre-schism Artifacts 7915LuxuryResourcePreSchismArtifacts - Mundane Artifacts 7916LuxuryResourceNonPrecursorArtifacts
