This planet was once a vibrant world of the "Concrete" faction of the Endless Civilization. Remnants of buildings, transport systems, and everyday fixtures give a glimpse of the industrial sophistication of their culture, and show the heights to which any people can hope to climb.
+10 On Planet
+1 Per On Planet
+2 Per On Planet
+4% Trade route bonus Per Concrete Artifacts On Empire
Effects If Resource Monopoly (4+):
+40% Trade route bonus On Empire
Resources | |
Basic Resources (FIDS) | Food - Industry - Dust - Science |
Strategic Resources | Hyperium - Titanium-70 - Anti-Matter - Hexaferrum - Orichalcix - Siderite - Adamantian - Quadrinix |
Luxury Resources |
Vegetables: Redsang - Bluecap Mold - Dustwater - Hydromiel |